Hear Me Out
Watch our animated short films starring the Capsule Families produced especially for Aboriginal families, and schools. The films are also available on DVD in our Circle of Caring toolkit.
They can be viewed in seven Aboriginal languages or in English or French. Each film includes an introductory segment with teachings from Elders and discussion guides to help jumpstart dialogue and change for safe, strong and free families and communities.
Cultural Pride
Equity and Diversity // Schools and Communities
Safe, Inclusive and Accepting Schools
Nurturing Kindness and Empathy
Positive Role Modelling
Believing in Our Children's Success
A Telephone Call from School
Storytelling and Reading with Our Children
Everyday Success at Home
Creating a Space for Study
Working Together, Learning from Each Other
Parent-Teacher Meeting
Joining School Council
Supporting, Not Blaming
Listening Carefully
Problem-Solving Together
Bullying Hurts
Support for a Child Who Is Being Bullied
Support for a Child Who Has Witnessed Bullying
Support for a Child Who Is Bullying Others
Approaching the School
Interested in student perspectives on equity and inclusion? Hear Me Out is a touching documentary created by COPA and OTF for our Safe@School initiative.
Unscripted testimonies by students and adults about racism, homophobia and sexism can be used as a discussion tool for teachers and other school staff and is also suitable for students in intermediate and senior grades.
Cultural Pride
Equity and Diversity // Schools and Communities
Safe, Inclusive and Accepting Schools
Nurturing Kindness and Empathy
Positive Role Modelling
Believing in Our Children's Success
A Telephone Call from School
Storytelling and Reading with Our Children
Everyday Success at Home
Creating a Space for Study
Working Together, Learning from Each Other
Parent-Teacher Meeting
Joining School Council
Supporting, Not Blaming
Listening Carefully
Problem-Solving Together
Bullying Hurts
Support for a Child Who Is Being Bullied
Support for a Child Who Has Witnessed Bullying
Support for a Child Who Is Bullying Others
Approaching the School